It's amazing new companies survive at all. The obstacles are great and business owners often have to change dramatically in order to thrive. What's necessary at start up is different at growth is different at maturity. Challenges can arise at any stage. Obviously Brilliant was named after those business owners who recognize they need help and they're not afraid to ask for it. We pull in experts - as they are needed. Have a customer that accounts for 60% of revenue? Need to get familiar with tools that better explain how to improve a balance sheet? Would an insurance audit trim health care costs? These are just a handful of the ways to increase profits (and let's be clear profits are the only thing that matters!). Obviously Brilliant works on a pay for performance basis. The monthly fee will be returned in full at the end of the year if you do not realize a full ten percent addition to the bottom line. Fees are based on size of the company. Send a message for more information.