Laravel Developer at Evistep Software Development Company - Yerevan, Yerevan, Armenia
Evistep is a game developing and software developing company located in Yerevan, Armenia.How we do staff? We are driven by the urge to do something great and something awesome. And sometimes it doesn't really matter when, where and how… We see opportunities and we grab them without hesitation.Let us give you an example how things are working at our end. This is how we've started with our best-known product: WebWork Time Tracker. Working with many clients and providing Web Development service, we felt the need of a time tracker, which will be affordable, will include task management system, will have several types of reports and will give the opportunity to generate invoices for clients. Already existing products were not quite what we were searching for. The decision was finally made; we started to build our own product - WebWork Time Tracker. The Tracker was launched in March 2016. After 4 months we had 2.000 teams and companies, who use WebWork Time Tracker on daily basis.Do you want another peek at the process? People often ask, how did we end up in the game development? All started from a funny joke game, that our executive director created by himself: "The Gun Camera", where you can pretend shooting what your phone camera sees (we still do hope we weren't the inspiration of that game :). The team liked the game so much, that we have decided to upload the game to online stores. The game went viral. This inspires one of our PHP specialists to become a game developer. Now we have an awesome team of game developers and designers and we have 50.000.000 downloads in all play stores.What we value is the aspiration of our team members. We value appetency to learn and create something new, something innovative, something awesome. Our objective is simple. To create what you need and do it with passion.