Gareth Hess

electrician at PetroSA - Cape Town, Western Cape, ZA

Gareth Hess's Contact Details
+27 21 929 3000
George,Western Cape,South Africa
Gareth Hess's Company Details
PetroSA logo, PetroSA contact details


Cape Town, Western Cape, ZA • 1664 Employees

The Petroleum, Oil and Gas Corporation of South Africa (Pty) Limited (PetroSA), is South Africa's national oil company. It owns, operates and manages South Africa's petroleum industry commercial assets. PetroSA is registered under South African law, employs about 2000 people and has its headquarters in Cape Town. PetroSA vigorously pursues investment opportunities both internationally and within South Africa, with a special focus on Africa. A pioneer in Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) technology, PetroSA owns and operates one of the world's largest GTL refineries. GTL technology is recognized throughout the world for producing the ‘cleanest’ fuels, through an environmentally friendly process. PetroSA is currently at an advanced stage of a project that could see the establishment of a world-class crude refinery in South Africa's Eastern Cape province. The project, known as Project Mthombo, will create the biggest refinery in Africa.

Oil Company Petroleum And Natural Gas
Details about PetroSA
Frequently Asked Questions about Gareth Hess
Gareth Hess currently works for PetroSA.
Gareth Hess's role at PetroSA is electrician.
Gareth Hess's email address is *** To view Gareth Hess's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Gareth Hess works in the Energy industry.
Gareth Hess's phone number is +27 21 929 3000
See more information about Gareth Hess