Faculty in-charge of Mental Health Student Ambassador Program at THAPAR INSTITUTE COUNSELLING CELL - Patiala, Punjab, India
It's tempting to justify spending that increases our beauty in a society that is typically focused on materialistic things. Physical attractiveness is highlighted as the end-all be-all nearly everywhere we get our media, so we have a natural motivation to care about how we look. We join gyms to appear a specific way, as if replicating the physical beauty we see in the media can make us happy by itself. Going to the gym is also considered as the primary approach to "becoming fit" - but increasing psychological health is not made a priority. Why?TICC provides answers to your why questions.Here are some of the advantages of therapy.1. Therapy can assist you in developing long-term coping abilities.2. Therapy has the potential to improve the way you connect with people in your life for the better.3. Therapy can improve your mood.4. Therapy leads to increased productivity due to its link to happiness.5. Therapy can aid in the relief of chronic stress.