Aqua Survey is your sediment expert. We characterize sediment through geophysical surveys, sediment sampling and contaminant studies. We pinpoint underwater bombs, locate lost treasure and assess environmental toxicity.Aqua Survey, Inc. (ASI) is a full service ecotoxicology company founded in 1975. Aqua Survey provides laboratory testing, field sampling, geophysical surveying and consulting services to a wide variety of clients throughout the world including many of the largest U.S. corporations, internationally recognized environmental consulting firms, and public sector agencies.Aqua Survey provides services in the following areas:* Sediment Vibracoring / On-Water Drilling* Underwater Utility and UXO/MEC Markout Surveys* Electromagnetic (EM) Detection Surveys* Geophysical / Hydrographic Surveys including Side Scan Sonar and Sub-Bottom Profiling* Benthic Grab Sampling and Taxonomy* Toxicity Identification Evaluations (TIEs)* Geotechnical Sampling* Dredged Material Assessments using Sediment Toxicology and Bioaccumulation Studies* Research Vessels CharteredAqua Survey is wholly-owned by Ken Hayes and Jon Doi.