Amunola Inc is the parent of a group of international companies which contribute to the research, design, manufacture and assembly of our totally new product. This is a range of unique products that we all have to use every day. We have been on a road of discovery through the last six years. We have engaged with universities, historical data and new scientific testing to break a problem that has existed forever. Our goal is to control the chaos of the human mind and body. The ‘S*****S*****' is a new form of sleep vehicle which can replace the traditional form of bed. Whilst if we asked anyone to make a hand drawing of a single or double bed you may include some of the following features. Frame, four legs, spring support, mattress, pillow, duvet or blanket. If I told you it was not flat or rectangle/ square in design. So when we tell you it is none of these features you will realize this is more than marketing spin on an old format. We have a true form of ground breaking change that places the existing bed in the dark ages with its original base model. This is not purely a physical solution as to find the perfect sleep pattern for the individual you have to reduce the anxiety as well as the physical. So our claim is we have found a practical solution to extend sleep for the people who have found eight hours per night difficult, if not impossible. Whether you presently sleep for four, five or six hours and want the longer duration. The ‘S*****S*****' is an option over what has gone before. This will be available in mechanical or electronic form. Our product is disruptive as a life of over indulgence in caffeine, alcohol, sugar, prescription drugs and any fix to find a nights peace has been now out engineered. Over 70 million Americans indulge in sleeping narcotics never mind traditional alcohol. This is a multi patented product solution. Our market value is greater than most business areas. A higher profitability than the market darlings of big data technology and auto-motion.