Managing Director, Principal Consultant and Executive Coach at GMAC Pharma Ltd. - N/A, N/A, us
We work with you to transform your pharma, biotech or medical device business, from Start up and specifically HPRA/EU/FDA manufacturing license and NDA applications, PAI site organisation, preparation and structuring, to Scaling your operation to transition smoothly from development into routine commercial manufacture (in-house or outsourced) or simply as you prepare to take on increased complexity from heightened volumes or as you prepare to commercialise different product platforms, requiring different disciplines. We also work with Lifescience business clients to accelerate their business growth, target strategic Lifescience business opportunities and implement measures to realise them, whilst maintaining a compliant focused organisation.Our aim is simply to put more products that offer safe treatment in to the hands of more patients more quickly, helping our client to identify and commercialise drug candidates more effectively through a strategic stage-gate innovation process.