iP-PLUS CONSULTING is an IT solutions company that focuses on providing high quality professionals, innovative technical solutions, and delivering exceptional service support to our customers.We deliver IT Solutions of today to meet our client's data, voice, video, andsoftware needs of tomorrow. Our team consists of highly qualified professionals who bring a unique blend of multi-disciplinary skills to bear in an industry that is fluid and constantly changing. We take pride in offering solutions that are cost-effective and extensible, and that thoroughly incorporate the technologies of today and the future.iP-Plus Consulting provides professional and technical consulting services in the federal, state and local government marketplace as well as in the private sector. We create innovative solutions that satisfy a broad range of technical requirements and provide a unique blend of skills and partnerships in areas of; enterprise network infrastructure engineering, cybersecurity, information assurance, data analytics, database management, and Tier1,2, and 3 Help-desk services.