Coaching Executive Marriages to attain results oriented excellence in marriage! Dr. Gary & Barb Rosberg are sought‐after executive life and marriage coaches, award‐winning authors, popular radio hosts and beloved international marriage conference speakers. Together, the Rosbergs are co‐founders of the international ministry, America's Family Coaches and directly address the needs of marriages today with remarkable insight and biblical truth; in addition to serving marriages through America's Family Coaches, they also provide one‐on‐one executive life and marriage coaching through The Rosberg Group. Gary and Barb have written over a dozen prominent marriage and family resources and DVD series with almost 1 million total copies in print world‐wide; including the 6 Secrets to a Lasting Love (Gold Medallion winner under the title Divorce‐Proof Your Marriage) and The 5 Love Needs of Men & Women, a Gold Medallion finalist. Selected books are available in over twelve different languages with six titles in Spanish. Gary's newest book is Guard Your Heart Men's Edition which speaks directly to men on how to guard against the threats in their life and marriage. The Rosbergs have conducted conferences on marriage and family relationships nationally and internationally for over twenty‐five years. Their flagship conferences, part of The Great Marriage Experience, are impacting couples, churches and communities worldwide. In addition, the Rosbergs have been featured speakers for LifeWay, Focus on the Family, FamilyLife and many other events for several years. Gary has also spoken to hundreds of thousands of men at Promise Keepers. Since 2006 the Rosbergs have been on a mission to strengthen military families across this nation. Whether deployed or stateside, the Rosbergs offer hope, encouragement and practical coaching for military marriages through programming and other events, as well as free marriage resources to help them grow and stay connected.