Guidance, Navigation & Control: Assistant Team Lead at Ryerson International Hyperloop - Toronto, ON, CA
Team Co-Lead: Guidance, Navigation, and Controls
Based out of Ryerson University in Toronto, "Ryerson International Hyperloop Team" is an award-winning Hyperloop Team representing Canada in the race to complete the 5th mode of transportation. After our team's success in winning the "Subsystem Innovation Award" at the 2016 SpaceX Hyperloop Design Weekend, we are back this year with the intent of developing a fully functioning Hyperloop Pod. We are currently developing a pod that's driven by a linear induction based MagDrive system and suspended in the air via Halbach Magnetic Levitation. This technology will allow us to achieve our goal of breaking the Ryerson Speed record, creating a pod capable of traveling close to 500 mph. We will be entering the pod in the SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition in Hawthorne, California.