Established in October 1987, F1RSTMARK is known for high quality data and outstanding customer service. We are a leader in the postal, telemarketing and email industry for both the quality and vast selection of unique and targeted data, which allows us to solve our client's needs, while providing fast and efficient turn-around.Our customized databases include more than 500 lists! Managing data in-house allows us to manipulate our data, providing our clients with the exact information they need in order to target their ideal audience. Based on our client's specifications, our lists can be developed utilizing hundreds of variables.What's most important? We will always give our clients the personalized service they deserve. A dedicated salesperson will be available to answer questions and handle requests. Once you have been assigned a representative at F1RSTMARK, this person will handle your account each time you call. This allows us to really get to know our client's "story", and work more effectively with each request.Please call us today at (800)-729-2600. We will be happy to answer all your questions and provide you with a free quote.