Table Tennis Provider is the first exclusive table tennis coaching company in Ireland catering for Schools, Businesses, Individuals, Disability/Retired Groups and more. Founded and managed by Irish International player and coach Gavin Maguire. Gavin has a rich history of table tennis playing and coaching including 3 Senior National Championships Singles Titles.Gavin has been coaching table tennis for 10 years in schools clubs and decided to turn his love of teaching table tennis into a day to day business.TTPro's coaching team is lead by Irish international and current national champion Ashley Robinson. We were delighted to have Ashley join our team in September 2020. We endeavour to cater for all types of table tennis enthusiasts.Our Mission..The mission or goal at Table Tennis Provider is to help make table tennis freely available and accessible in Dublin and Ireland. Our goal is to help table tennis become the household name & game that it once was in Ireland. We want to get active in Clubs, Schools, Businesses, Households and many more countrywide.Table Tennis Provider aims to grow and educate a team of coaches capable of providing table tennis coaching to Dublin & the greater Dublin area.From Gavin... ‘Table Tennis has been a mainstay throughout the entirety of my life. It's something I'm extremely passionate about and helped to shape me into the independent, confident and healthy person that I am today. Now my goal is to help give back to the Irish community and bring the game that changed my life to the masses'