MUNGUAU is an independent, nonprofit project. Our main goals are to promote cultural exchange and open new lines of communication between Korean and Argentinean people. We aim at developing several cultural activities along 2011, which will certainly represent a significant step in the process of integration between the Republics of Korea and Argentina. We believe that this cultural encounter will lead to great enrichment for both cultures. We aim at making the following projects come true, some of which are already in development: An on-line gallery, where the material selected by a team of curators is exhibited. A communication "wall", in which people from all over the world may leave a message for friends in Argentina and Korea. This is a project developed together with a team of Spanish language students from the Ulsan University in Korea, who translate all messages from Korean to Spanish and from Spanish to Korean. Several art exhibitions in important art spaces in Argentina and the Republic of Korea. Cultural extension activities related to our art exhibitions, such as workshops, conferences, talks, etc. Entertainment events, such as parties and live music shows, oriented to encourage the participation of the Korean community in the cultural activities that take place everyday in Argentina.