Our customers depend on us to supply top quality Lifting Equipment, Material Handling Equipment and Safety Equipment to end users and the trade online and over the phone, we are distributors for Yale, Pfaff Silberblau, Camlok, Raptor, Ableforge, GIS, Donati, Stahl, Tractel and many more.Lifting Equipment Store has a reputation with its customers that is second to none, this is why so many of you keep coming back. We understand that when you order a product you order it because you need it, our team will keep you updated right from when you purchase to when your order has been delivered.Our friendly sales team have over 30 years experience in the lifting industry and can be contacted for sales advice, product help and general enquiries. We can provide one-off sales or discounted large order volumes. Nearly all of our products are shipped next day using trusted couriers.Call or email today.