SSA Capital has been working with corporations and private equity portfolio companies since 1992 with the overall goals of improving profit margins, EBITDA and cash flow. We are experts at line item expenditure data mining essential to all strategic sourcing initiatives. Moreover, we possess a broad range of cost category expertise, which translates into results-oriented strategic sourcing strategies.Expenditure Assessments and Strategy Development:SSA Capital uses tested and highly effective methodologies to analyze companywide expenditure data and to develop cost savings strategies that impact direct and indirect expenses as well as capital expenditures. Our expenditure assessment is software based, refreshable and customized for each client.Data Sets, Control Panel, Data Driven Analytical Tools and Sourcing Preparation:SSA Capital develops detailed, actionable and sourceable reports for its clients. These reports are presented in an Apple or Microsoft Office based tool supported by a robust relational database.Cost Savings Implementation:SSA Capital implements developed cost savings strategies to help drive immediate and long-term cost savings for its clients. These savings can then be utilized for profit protection or reinvestment in other high ROI projects.