Genesys Consulting Associates (GCA) is a microcomputer consulting and support services company, which specializes in the development and implementation of productive computing systems. Through computerization, GCA provides workable, flexible solutions to clients' real world needs. GCA has served a wide variety of companies, ranging from small, growing businesses to multinational corporations, governmental, and academic institutions. Specializing in local/wide area networking (LAN/WAN) and systems integration allows GCA to be truly expert in providing complete consulting and implementation services to organizations, using these technologies. GCA understands the needs of technical computer users today as well as the various hardware and software options available to satisfy those needs. Offering unbiased consulting and support services, GCA is uniquely positioned to provide these clients with the best solutions to their computing needs. GCA provides all clients with the comfortable assurance that their computerization objectives will be met. A wealth of experience in the area of network and stand-alone systems support and programming form the basis for GCA's technical expertise. GCA complements this background with a deep working knowledge of many commonly used software applications. In the end, GCA offers clients more than knowledge; GCA provides service backed by first hand, in depth use of the systems most often used by clients. Founded in 1986, the company's strong commitment to quality and professionalism has distinguished GCA from lesser competitors. GCA is proud of the work and satisfied client base generated under this philosophy. The continuing benefits realized by GCA clients have prompted their maintenance of ongoing relationships with GCA. New clients are invited to contact GCA for a better idea of ways in which they might share these benefits as well.