Co-Owner, Vice-President, Treasurer at Alaska Education & Business Services, Inc. - Anchorage, AK, US
Alaska Education & Business Services, Inc. (AKEBS) can assist School Districts, non-profits and other business entities by providing quality business and accounting services in as close to a "business as usual" environment as is reasonably possible. With a staff consisting of former school district business administrators and accounting specialists, AKEBS has quickly established a reputation in Alaska for possessing the essential institutional knowledge and critical business skills necessary for meeting the unique and diverse challenges facing schools today.A partnership with AKEBS will not only divert more money to children and educators but will also allow school leaders to concentrate substantially more of their time and efforts to educating all their children well, while not worrying about the efficiency and effectiveness of their business affairs. AKEBS is dedicated and committed to continuing those business practices and procedures that individual school districts have identified as being successful while improving those that have not.Please take a moment to visit the individual sites that describe in greater detail what business and accounting services AKEBS can provide. AKEBS is quite flexible and can tailor any agreement to meet the business needs of the school district.Services Include: Budgeting, Accounting, Purchasing, Record Keeping, Auditing, Data Processing, Reporting, Food Services, Human Resources Training and Recruitment services.