Italdata Ingegneria dell'Idea SpA is an Italian company Established in 1979 belonging to ElsagDatamat Group (one of FINMECCANICA companies). The organization chart is provided on the last page. Italdata has acquired a concrete experience in implementing biometric based solutions leveraging different technologies, such experience has been developed during years, applying such technologies mainly to government and manufacturing markets; that allowed Italdata to make diversified experiences, that include: the ( turn key ) realization of APFIS systems (Automated Palmarprint & Fingerprint Identification System), the implementation of physical and logical biometric access control systems, the realization of devices devote to electronic biometric documents production, the implementation surveillance systems devote to home prisoners or people subjected to limited freedom control.As complement to the APFIS solutions, Italdata realized a series of devices devote to the territory security control. The first subsystem has been realized for the Ministry of Interior and Justice in Italy and was called SPAID (Italian acronym for: Remote Fingerprint Acquisition & Data Control System), It is used also by the Chilean investigation police. The main function of such subsystem is that one to allow the biometric enrolment and verification of individuals, allowing also the creation of AFIS databases. The SPAID subsystem has been used inside welcome fields for immigrants or refugees, allowing the archiving of acquired information into an AFIS database. Italdata has also realized an hand held device, called Patrol Support System (PSS). Such device is able to implement a lot of functionalities, like: Fingerprint Identification, Face Recognition, Automated Number Plate Recognition, GPS Tracking, Electronic Document Verification (contact and contactless), Live Video and Voice Capture, Live Image capture (visible and Infra Red wave length used through an internal illuminator), GPRS/GSM/UMTS, USB, WiFi and Bluetooth Data Connection (encryption allowed) and typical functions of a cellular phone. The PSS device integrates 3 different live cameras or 2 live cameras and a laser bar code reader. A Surveillance Center is responsible to manage all transactions received by remote PSS devices, maintaining all acquired and transmitted data inside a Dynamic and History Data Base. The PSS can be applied to law enforcement agencies, urban or border control policeman or other institutions like the civil protection and firemen. Italdata has set up a strong "partnership", with the most important hardware and software producers at worldwide level. The reference Partners, besides of FINMECCANICA group enterprises, are: Hewlett Packard, Cogent Systems, IBM, Telecom Italia, Siemens, and others; for which Italdata has realized "ad-hoc" devices, specifically designed following customer's requirements.