ABS Deal DatabaseEuroABS holds the largest available database of European ABS including raw data, prospectuses, collateral reports and issuance commentary dating back to 1995. Our users can combine document keywords and deal data to search the database.Pricing and ValuationEuroABS provides the most transparent pricing and valuation service in the market to genuine investor and issuer clients of our investment bank contributors. Our service covers the European ABS Bond Market, as well as CLOs and CDOs. Regulatory ComplianceEuroABS is the market leader in providing regulatory compliance services to issuers in the ABS market. We can help you to understand and comply with your regulatory requirements and help to make sure your customers and investors get what they need to comply with theirs.Investor ServicesEuroABS can help investors to meet their due diligence requirements. We know that the regulation burden continues to grow in securitisation and all holders of structured finance have a lot of ongoing obligations. EuroABS can assist from origination through to redemption.