SMSF Administration Alliance is a specialist SMSF administration provider offering SMSF administration services to accountants, financial planners and brokers Australia wide.SMSF Administration Alliance operates on a business to business model thereby only dealing directly with businesses that utilise our service as opposed to directly with fund trustees. This protects the relationships of the businesses that use our service with their clients.We use a combination of technology, high quality staff and economies of scale that enables the administration processes to be conducted efficiently while also delivering a high quality and cost competitive service.SMSF Administration Alliance was structured to align its interests with accountants, financial planners and brokers who use its services while providing benefits to fund trustees. Our end to end administration services include fund establishments and full ongoing administration services including preparation of annual financial accounts, arranging of audits and acting as tax agent to lodge returns with the Australian Taxation Office.To obtain more information about our services, please telephone 1300 403 472 or email