It's amazing how many businesses get their model and messaging 96% terrific, but that last 4% causes them no end of pain: we exist to help with that last 4% (or much more if needed)! The 4% we 'fix' reinvents your business (and customer facing team) to authentically deliver your Unique Customer Offering (UCO, sometimes called a USP) in a way that your Customers will love, praise and buy. "Speaking with Geoff is both refreshing and inspiring because he knows exactly what we are talking about, straight away - he understands and relates to our pain, he gets our issues; straight away it is like talking with someone who has worked right here for years! Yet he brings fresh eyes and asks incredible questions, which enables him to map methodical insights and strategies that can be used then, actual approaches we can apply immediately, that Geoff has used before. Measurable results and visible differences from the beginning."Spoke is a purpose built ' business improvement strategy' ready to overhaul your current issues and help you to reinvent your business, reignite yourself, identify your issues, engage beautifully with your prospects, customers and staff and run your business instead of being constantly one step out of synch. Make the call/text/PM/email before the next thing you do: it's time right now to start the fix because it was Einstein who said "Continuing to do the same thing and expecting a different result is the technical definition of INSANITY". Change something today, to improve something tomorrow +61 409 007 134 Geoff