Chair at Australian Mushroom Growers' Association - Edgemoor, South Carolina, United States
The Australian Mushroom Growers Association (AMGA) is a national peak industry body dedicated to driving value for our members, Australia's mushroom growers. Our vision is to ensure mushrooms are a vital, unique part of the Australian diet. We provide a range of services to our members and the broader industry to foster growth and development, and our members comprise of Mushroom farmers, associated businesses and industry people. The AMGA works with all parts of the supply chain, from production through to the consumer. By working together, we seek to continually improve our growers' ability to provide a healthy, profitable and safe product for all consumers. As part of this continual improvement, we work with Hort Innovation to ensure the industry levy funded Research and Development and Marketing programs for the Australian Mushroom industry are well directed and responsive to industry needs. AMGA's Governance: The Australian Mushroom Growers Association is governed by a Board of Directors responsible for setting the strategic direction of the organisation. The Board comprises elected grower and industry members and AMGA members can stand for election to the Board at the AMGA AGM. The AMGA office's role is to manage the organisation's business and implement the Board's directions.