LBE Engineering Limited are specialists in pipework and steel fabrication using our in-house project management team. We pride ourselves in our ability to react and turn our clients' "problems" into solutions.We were formed in 2013 as Leven Bridge Pipeworks initially to provide labour to the SSI Iron and Steel Works near Redcar, however this did not happen.Early in 2015, orders were received that were relevant to Leven Bridge Pipeworks and trading began. Not wanting to appear solely as a pipework company it was decided to change the name to LBE Engineering Limited.LBE Engineering's work is carried out mainly on customers' sites, bringing with it the problem of asking to share work space within the customer's own workshop. To get around this, we can offer fully equipped workshop containers from twenty feet to forty feet long. These can easily be shipped to customers' sites and once connected to an electrical supply, work can commence.