The Sunset years are the most trying years of life even for those endowed with wealth and fair health. However, it gets really bad for those who are old and frail and without a financial back up. In such situations if the elderly are forsaken by their children, their families, life takes a turn for a nightmare unimaginable. With failing health, no food, and no shelter, these elders sometimes land up on the roads, on pavements, eating morsels thrown at them, and surviving the vagaries of weather and traffic, ill and sometimes injured, and without hope or respite.\\It is here that the Good Samaritans step in. They take these abandoned elderly to a home, provide them free medical assistance and take care of all their needs. Effectively it amounts to giving them a life of dignity in their sunset years. \\The Good Samaritans are a very small group of three or four persons who are hands on in this activity. Medically trained, they also provide basic care, and run a small free pharmacy as well. They formed a formal trust in March 2011 so as to organize their effort and seek help for their activity. The good Samaritans have rescued around 100+ inmates till date from the roads. Few have been rescued and have become better and left the home, while few have passed away. The good Samaritans is an absolutely profit free organisation that aims to rescue people and take care of them absolutely free of cost.