Michelle Flanagan brings over eighteen years experience as a commercial designer, programmer, user behavioural specialist (Usability), and leadership to a variety of high profile companys around the word. Eight, of which, at executive level in the capacity as Creative Director and strategist for online interactive, television and digital media solutions. She is an innovative visionary who foresees potential challenges, and strives to overcome what may seem impossible. Her strong creative thinking, innovative approach, and 'There's a solution behind every problem' attitude has led her to becoming a world first to cure a potentially fatal allergy to peanuts. A condition better known as Anaphylaxis which is currently 'medically' incurable. Michelle is currently writing a book about her path to allergy freedom, in the hope that her contribution will ultimately benefit the lives of others. She has built a track record of excellence, service and training solutions that focus on real world results. Successful strategies that she applies to everything in her professional and personal life. Please visit www.michelleflanagan.com.au to view samples of Michelle's professional experience.