Are you tired of struggling to increase sales? Weary of having the problem chip away at you, day after day? Burned out from working in the business and never having time to work on it?Our FREE TRAINING Reveals How Breakthrough Authority Marketing SystemPuts New Sales on Auto-Pilot So You Can Smile the Next Time You're Asked about The Recession!Dear friend,My name is Josh Roa and I am the Director at The Authority. When smart business owners and managers, just like you, need to increase sales, I help them to quickly apply the innovative, proven, Authority Marketing Systems refined over 18 years of managing client campaigns. These systems turn the table on you buying process, causing qualified, enthusiastic prospects to chase THEM down for the sale, not the other way around! If Attracting New Customers & Increasing Sales is Important in Your Business, Answer Me This...- Would you like to have a predictable flow of interested, high-calibre clients calling YOU and working hard to convince you to accept them? - Dream clients pre-sold on your business and value, who just want to pay?If you'd like to have complete control over your lead generation & sales process, regardless of the economy or any other market condition and put an end to the endless sales grunt work and smaller market share you've become resigned to, please keep reading...Getting Clients To Call YOU Is Easy...If You Know The Best Kept Marketing Secret!Maybe you too have found that increasing sales and attracting new clients is getting tougher. You have to talk to a lot more people than ever before. You have to consider a multitude of advertising options just to keep up with the Jones's in your industry. Maybe it's been a while since selling was actually fun.Look, you can be the greatest provider of goods or services in your industry -but that won't do you a bit of good! So if you're ready to discover the 12 secrets to getting qualified prospects to call you, click our website link now!