physical therapist at Physical Therapy Orthopaedic Specialists Inc. (PTOSI) - Minneapolis, MN, United States
It is our belief that the majority of musculoskeletal pain that patients suffer is a result of faulty biomechanics due to tight joints, soft tissues and shortened muscles. Our therapists utilize manual therapy techniques to address these faulty biomechanics.Manual therapy is defined as the skillful use of the hands to mobilize/manipulate joints, massage and lengthen soft tissues, and to monitor and facilitate improved neuromuscular control. A strength of this approach is that it requires considerable one on one time between the therapist and patient.Our objective for treatment is to improve the mechanics of movement, utilizing manual therapy techniques along with educating the patient regarding their condition and the likely prognosis for improvement. Instructing the patient in an exercise program and/or postures that help control the patient's pain is our primary goal.Total resolution of pain during the course of physical therapy treatment is often not realistic. Studies show that patients suffering from chronic pain greater than three months need to participate in an exercise program for a minimum of twelve weeks or more in order to see any resolution of pain. This places responsibility upon the patient to continue their exercise program.Return to function with the confidence to live an active lifestyle and to be able to control flare ups of pain with specific exercise program and other self care measures is our desired goal.We will do our best to provide you manual therapy treatment, education and instruction in a specific exercise program to give you the tools to responsibly and confidently manage your condition.