George Macneil

Supervisor at Fort McKay Group of Companies LP - Fort McMurray, Alberta, CA

George Macneil's Contact Details
Fort McKay Group of Companies LP
George Macneil's Company Details
Fort McKay Group of Companies LP logo, Fort McKay Group of Companies LP contact details

Fort McKay Group of Companies LP

Fort McMurray, Alberta, CA • 517 Employees

Fort McKay Group of Companies (FMGOC) is a large oilfield construction and services company located in Alberta. FMGOC is comprised of 3 Limited Partnerships; Fort McKay Strategic Services LP, Fort McKay Logistics LP and Fort McKay Mechanical Services. FMGOC offers a variety of services such as earthworks, site services, fleet maintenance, fuel services, reclamation support services, logistics and specialty mechanical services. In 2021, the company expanded it's services opening the Fort McKay Mechanical Services division in Bonnyville, AB. By providing high quality, cost-competitive products and services in a safe environment, the FMGOC has grown into a financially stable, multi-million dollar operation. FMGOC grosses over 150 million in revenue each year, and employs approximately 2000 employees with goal of a minimum of 25% Aboriginal employee content. The company is fully owned by the Fort McKay First Nation. Profits go directly into the community by way of housing development, infrastructure, health, recreation, sponsorship's and various other community programs. FMGOC operates as an independent and separate organization from the Fort McKay First Nation. A Board of Directors oversees the FMGOC and is managed by a Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Sami Saad. With the combination of leadership from the Board of Directors and CEO, combined with a commitment to deliver reliable and quality products and services to meet the needs of our client’s, the FMGOC has successfully expanded its horizons and will continue to do so in the future. FMGOC values the collaborative partnerships with its clients and service providers and continues to develop relationships based on trust and mutual respect and is always seeking new ventures that will allow for future growth and prosperity.

Earthworks Site Services Fleet Maintenance Fuel Services Logistics Services Community Development Programs
Details about Fort McKay Group of Companies LP
Frequently Asked Questions about George Macneil
George Macneil currently works for Fort McKay Group of Companies LP.
George Macneil's role at Fort McKay Group of Companies LP is Supervisor.
George Macneil's email address is *** To view George Macneil's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
George Macneil works in the Energy industry.
George Macneil's colleagues at Fort McKay Group of Companies LP are Greg Kubista, Darlene Thomas, Aubrey Hillier, Kevin Bienvenue, Tammy Brown, Kelly Hicks, Keli Fontaine and others.
George Macneil's phone number is 780-713-3435
See more information about George Macneil