Consultant/ General Manager at Maritime Cargo Handling - Chula Vista, California, United States
The services offered are based on the expertise to provide design products thatrepresent "Cradle to the Grave methodology". Products may range from conceptualmechanical system design, ranging all the way into detail design and including componentfabrication drawings. In addition services for build strategy reports, system specification, testprocedures and cost reduction initiatives. All of these products have their properdocumentation.The following is a summary of services offered:*Shipbuilding products-Ship assembly fitting aid development and design.-Process tooling including jigs and fixtures.-Pre-outfitting build strategy.-Tolerance installation documentation for pre-outfitting, cranes, elevators,underway replenishment (Rexroth-Bosch for modified Berlin class JSS), cargosecuring and specialty systems (i.e. AN-SLQ-25A Nixie)-Value Stream Mapping*Ship design-Conceptual design for engine room cranes and hoists, propulsion systemarrangement, steering gear development (rotary vane, Rapson slide), cargosecuring systems including ISO containers, cargo cranes (fixed boom, knuckle),personnel elevators, cargo elevators, hatch covers (manual, electric,hydraulic), underway replenishment systems, boat handling systems, mooringsystems, specialty and weapons handling systems.-Equipment foundation detail design and fabrication drawings including finiteelement analysis.-Detail design for engine room cranes and hoists, propulsion systemarrangement, steering gear development (rotary vane, Rapson slide), cargosecuring systems including ISO containers, cargo cranes (fixed boom, knuckle),personnel elevators, cargo elevators, hatch covers (manual, electric,hydraulic), underway replenishment systems, boat handling systems, mooringsystems, specialty and weapons handling systems.-System specification development for engine room cranes and hoists,propulsion system arrangement, steering gear development (rotary vane,Rapson slide), cargo securing systems including ISO containers, cargo cranes(fixed boom, knuckle), personnel elevators, cargo elevators, hatch covers(manual, electric, hydraulic), underway replenishment systems, boat handlingsystems, mooring systems, specialty and weapons handling systems.-Test procedure development for engine room cranes and hoists, propulsionsystem arrangement, steering gear development (rotary vane, Rapson slide),cargo securing systems including ISO containers, cargo cranes (fixed boom,knuckle), personnel elevators, cargo elevators, hatch covers (manual, electric,hydraulic), underway replenishment systems, boat handling systems, mooringsystems, specialty and weapons handling systems.-Fabrication drawings for unique and or specialty interface components.-Standards development for metal outfitting.-Outfit component welding design and standards.*Manufacturing-Facility process development design ( subassembly line, profile & T-barprocessing)-Fitting aid tooling development design and fabrication.-Jigs and fixture development design and fabrication.