Codemancers is a team of experienced web developers that helps businessesdesign and build applications that delight end users. We take pride in buildingapplications that are designed as beautifully on the inside as they areon the outside.From our experiences that range from building prototypes for early stagestartups to taming monstrous monolith applications for meeting daily expandingbusiness needs of industry leaders, we understand what it takes to buildapplications that are flexible and robust at the same time by applyingbattle tested best practices.Our deep expertise in the technologies that we use, like Ruby on Rails andElixir language has helped us contribute back to them and also buildmany popular open source projects. We're also regular speakers at tech eventsand are proponents of quality code that comes from our thorough understandingof the tools we work with.Get in touch with us, and speak not to a business development executive whoknows only what to sell, but to a seasoned web developer who knows what ittakes to build your application and get an honest estimate of how much it costs. Also, always looking to hire smart people. Contact