Councillor-At-Large at Faculty of Health Sciences Students' Council - London, ON, CA
The Faculty of Health Sciences Students' Council is a student organization representing over 2000 undergraduate students in the Faculty of Health Sciences (consisting Nursing, Kinesiology and Health Studies students). Its primary role is to advocate on behalf of the students and provide extracurricular and academic opportunities that enhance the Western student experience. The Faculty of Health Sciences Students' Council exists to: (1) Provide the Faculty of Health Sciences Student Body with representation within the University community; (2) Provide representation on academic issues within the Faculty of Health Sciences to all students; (3) Pursue social and political issues which impact the greater good of students; (4) Act as a catalyst of change and influence on student issues that affect the Faculty of Health Sciences student body; (5) Provide support to the programming and activities of the Health Studies Students' Association, Kinesiology Students' Association, and Western-Fanshawe Nursing Students' Association; (6) Provide opportunities for students to gain experience and marketable skills; and (7) Allocate available resources in an equitable, efficient, and effective manner.