ANGLESDIFFERING is an emergence-specialist firm that sparks, develops and implements concepts and ideas for entrepreneurs and business venture enthusiasts. Resolute to run a Creative Multidisciplinary Design studio that breaks the pattern through empowering acculturation, ANGLESDIFFERING will always be a work in progress, an emergent concept, and a rebel refusal of the confines of creeping normalcy. We do not wish to be complete, final; for we are the ones that create, develop and deliver, while we, ourselves, remain in constant growth and development. Unlike many ‘design & creativity' agencies, ANGLESDIFFERING is not a factory; it is a vanguard synergy determined to make an impactful difference in a world where change is inevitable, and success is not absolute. Our conviction in delivering thought-provoking and stimulating results, empowers us to continuously bring functionally efficient, economically viable & aesthetically appropriate creative projects that will contribute to today's environment. OUR THEOREM: NONCONFORMITY /ˌnänkənˈfôrmitē/ To follow is to stand still, to create is to grow DIVERGENT THINKING / diˈvərjənt ˈTHiNGkiNG/ A thought process used to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions MINIMALISM / ˈminəməlism/ Achieving utmost effect through the essential elements ELEMENTS / ˈeləmənts/ Light, form, detail of material, space, place and human condition PSYCHOLOGY / sīˈkäləjē/ Carefully studying the client's needs so as to inspire a different perspective to what he believed to be his absolute choice SUSTAINABILITY / səˈstānəbəlitē/ A non-debatable must in this day and age FARMING / ˈfärmiNG/ Planting a concept and nurturing it through development until it reaches full growth and bear the fruits of success for the client to reap TREE HUGGING / ˈtriːˌhʌɡING/ 'There are 2 perfect times to plant a tree, 20 years ago and now'