The Sydney Feminists was started in January 2012 on the website Initially a social group, it expanded to become a general feminist organisation with a particular focus on media education. Founded by Tessa Barratt and Joseph Salemi, the aim of the Sydney Feminists is to provide a space for people of all genders to discuss issues relating to feminism. The organisers regularly hold socials at locations around Sydney, where people can gather and share ideas. On the Meetup site, feminist and women's events arranged by other groups are frequently promoted and on the main website,, news and updates about future documentary screenings are posted. Exciting projects and action campaigns are always in the works, with the current focus on creating Australian-made documentaries about sexism in Australian culture. Media Education: The Sydney Feminists have teamed up with the Media Education Foundation to showcase powerful documentaries that examine the effects of sexism in modern media and culture. The group often hosts screenings of these documentaries at universities, colleges and various locations in the city. They do this free of charge and are available on request.