Having 6 temporary exhibitions per year (presenting both Romanian and international artists) and a permanent collection (presenting a fine collection and a critical selection of 150 works of Romanian art from 1965 to present), MARe/Muzeul de Artă Recentă is already an important brand on the Romanian art stage. Most important Romanian artists from the last half of century, but also international artists such as Jeff Wall, Martin Creed, Thomas Ruff or Marcia Hafif have been presented for the first time to the Romanian public or, at least, with a different, incisive approach.MARe is the first private art museum opened in Romania after over a century (including the 50 years of Communism). Located in a former nomenclature neighborhood (Primăverii, Bucharest), and replacing an interwar building used temporarily (in the late 40's - beginning of 50's) as residence by one of the most powerful Communist figures in Romania (Ana Pauker), the today building is a completely new concept, combining the shape of the old structure with the minimalist (yet powerful) contemporary project. Memory and future in one concept, one vision, one art museum. Focused on art exhibitions, MARe is also developing educational programmes for kids and adults (workshops, films, experimental music and dance). In fewer words, MARe could be described as such: five decades of Romanian Art, on five levels. One hour tour. Individual & group guided tours (Romanian & English). Cafeteria and garden. Spectacular architecture (signed by Youssef Tohme - YTAA Liban). Auditorium & Library. Gift shop with unique, original items on Reception desk.MARe/Muzeul de Artă Recentă is administrated by the MARe Foundation.We can be find on 15 Primăverii Avenue, Bucharest, Romania. Our Facebook and Instagram pages are also useful for those planing a visit to the museum. The site (still in its Beta version) is yet functional: http://mare.ro