Subscribe for the latest GeoPlace insights straight to your inbox - addressing and accurate street data has the power totransform people's lives. In Great Britain, GeoPlace LLP is theguardian and champion of that information on a national scale.We act as a co-ordinator, supporting the nation's street andaddressing data creators, making that information widelyavailable through Ordnance Survey and our statutory partners.Working together with our partners, we maintain one of thenation's largest, most valuable shared assets – standardisedaddress and street indexes that are trusted by the whole of thepublic sector, the private sector and beyond.At the heart of those two indexes (the National Address Gazetteerand the National Street Gazetteer), data users find two powerfuldata identifiers: Unique Property Reference Numbers (UPRNs)and Unique Street Reference Numbers (USRNs). These enablemany different data sources to be connected with ease and withconfidence. There is no duplication. No ambiguity. Accuracy isour watchword. The use of this data leads to lower risks and costs;higher productivity and profitability, and it brings down many ofthe practical barriers to transformation and innovation acrossboth the public and private sector.Without exception, Britain runs more efficiently and effectivelywhen service providers use UPRNs and USRNs – from next-daydeliveries of online shopping, to planning street works, collectingmeter readings, or directing the emergency services to theright address in a high-rise block of flats. Our data keeps Britainrunning smoothly. We are bringing location to life.