Taking an Intuitive approach to either business coaching or consulting helps you to realize your company's full potential. Learning to be more intuitive in your business decisions can give you a step up on the competition. Using your instincts helps you to make decisions based on more information than you are consciously aware of at that time. Using a logical approach can be quite limiting to a company's growth when bold moves are needed for success and one needs to remain a few paces ahead of the rest. I compare it to sitting in a traffic jam. Using only what is in front of you does not furnish you with enough information to make a qualified decision. You don't know why the traffic is stalled, how long it will take or what avenues are open to you. But if you have a direct connect to the traffic helicopter you can acquire all the info you need because the traffic helicopter sees the whole picture.\\Using your intuition [or mine] may not give you a detailed look at the landscape, but it will give you enough information to know whether a particular course of action will better serve you.\\Call me to day 808 261-7866 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 808 261-7866 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 808 261-7866 end_of_the_skype_highlighting