If your business is struggling to meet the demands of your creditors, Corporate Turnaround has a time tested, proven solution that uses as little cash flow as possible to satisfy your creditors. We've successfully renegotiated over 50,000 debts, including cash advances, credit cards, suppliers, leases and loans with creditors, collection agencies, attorneys, even lawsuits and judgments. Since 1998, Corporate Turnaround has helped over 10,000 businesses reach new, more affordable terms with their creditors. Our program may be the most cost effective, least invasive and quickest way to get your business out of debt. Corporate Turnaround and its clients' successes have been profiled in The New York Times, Forbes, US News & World Report, Business Week and on the CBS Evening News. Our CEO has been interviewed by The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and he co-authored the Small Business Survival Book. No matter how tight your current cash flow may be, Corporate Turnaround can resolve your debts with what you can afford.