Our aim is to increase aspiration, motivation, and achievement in bright young students, in order to allow them to reach their full potential. Research shows that focussing on intellectual confidence is the key to achieving these goals. We have therefore created a programme of online collaborative learning that significantly increases the intellectual confidence of our students, giving them the 'brain tools' that will help them to succeed, both at school and in their future workplaces. In the last year alone, we have helped over 2000 students, many of whom are regular participants in the programme. The programme takes place online, on our learning platform, in an atmosphere that is positive and encouraging, and where the anonymity of the online format allows students to flourish where they may normally be wary to ‘put up their hand' for fear of being ostracised. The programme is tutorial-based, led by our expert tutors, with years of experience both in the education of very able young students and in the ultilisation of online learning technologies. It consists of a series of short 4-day courses, designed to give students a solid foundation in 5 specific areas: 1. Critical Reading 2. Critical Thinking 3. Creativity 4. Philosophy 5. Special Interest