We offer a unique service offering that has been explained as 'brilliantly simple and elegant solution'.TEK Express was formed because we believe that field based employees deserve as good a service as you would expect to receive in an office. The main solution is called Swap-IT. This solution is tailored to large companies who operate with home or field based workers who use mobile equipment such as laptops/tablets and smartphones to carry out their job. Basically, if the hardware fails, TEK send a like for like replacement next day with all the relevant software installed. The faulty one is then repaired by our engineers and placed back into our customer's stock shelf. TEK also keep the equipment inventory up-to-date for the customer as part of this service. TEK's core business is the support for the Corporates however in 2005, we realised the mobile device market was growing principally in the laptop market and now with tablets and smart phones. So we now offer a repair service for all types of mobile devices for SMEs and individuals on an ad hoc basis. We provide a speedy and cost effective turnaround on all makes and models. Ideally, we want to become the national lifeline to any handheld device. Our service offering is available to anyone within the UK and ROI, this is made possible by our international courier within guaranteed time frames.