Maximum Potential has created a training platform that will provide parents, professionals and schools with the most efficient, effective and affordable way to understand and use the concepts of ABA. We understand that Therapists, Consultants, Early Intervention Specialists , Health Care Providers & Schools are continually bringing on new employee's who need to form an understanding of different evidence based interventions. As families and schools continue to search for Autism services, the need to have highly trained staff to work with students with autism is imperative. At Maximum Potential we believe that our video based platform is the best way to train new or existing staff to learn the concepts of Applied Behavior Analysis.Professionals Looking for CEU Credits go to www.autismlearn.comProfessionals looking to train staff: looking to train staff: Maximum Potential is being utilized by schools with between 2 and 9,000 children with autism. The company also has parent and professionals customers in 20 different countries around the world.