Ghada Ibrahim

cosmetology educator at Empire Beauty Schools - Pottsville, PA, US

Ghada Ibrahim's Contact Details
Hanover,Pennsylvania,17331,United States
Empire Beauty Schools
Ghada Ibrahim's Company Details
Empire Beauty Schools logo, Empire Beauty Schools contact details

Empire Beauty Schools

Pottsville, PA, US • 1000 - 4999 Employees

Empire Beauty School specializes in cosmetology and beauty educator.

Cosmetology Education College/University Colleges and Universities Higher Education Colleges Universities Education
Details about Empire Beauty Schools
Frequently Asked Questions about Ghada Ibrahim
Ghada Ibrahim currently works for Empire Education Group.
Ghada Ibrahim's role at Empire Education Group is cosmetology educator.
Ghada Ibrahim's email address is *** To view Ghada Ibrahim's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ghada Ibrahim works in the Higher Education industry.
Ghada Ibrahim's colleagues at Empire Beauty Schools are Dolores Price, Nicole Edmiston, Bethany Banks, Althea Walton, Adrienne Smith, Amber Jones, Angela Parkman and others.
Ghada Ibrahim's phone number is 800-295-8390
See more information about Ghada Ibrahim