Ghost Dipping

Mechanical Fitter at NTTF (Nettur Technical Training Foundation) - Electronics City, Karnataka, IN

Ghost Dipping's Contact Details
+91 80 6450 9966
NTTF (Nettur Technical Training Foundation)
Ghost Dipping's Company Details
NTTF (Nettur Technical Training Foundation) logo, NTTF (Nettur Technical Training Foundation) contact details

NTTF (Nettur Technical Training Foundation)

Electronics City, Karnataka, IN • 973 Employees
Higher Education

Mission: Techno Education for Global Competence - Vision: Be a premier institution in technical training and education To create the most sought after trainees, though client-focused programs catering to the needs of the society Quality Policy: Systemic training with continual improvement, responsive to customer needs and changing technology Quality Objectives: To train the youth in employable skills, through holistic training To inculcate the culture of "produce while learning" and "learn while producing" To keep updated with technological developments To support industry and institutes in the dissemination of technological knowledge and skill To expand the scope of training nationally and globally Description: NTTF - an educational foundation established in the year 1963 - is the living symbol of Indo-Swiss co-operation; aimed at promoting purposeful Technical Education for the youth of India. The seed was put in place at Thalassery (Kerala), in the year 1959. In its mission, the Foundation was actively supported with generous assistance from the Government of Switzerland, HEKS (a Swiss NGO), and Swiss Development Co-operation (a development agency in Switzerland). The Government of India and the State Governments also extended their support. The Foundation implements its program of Technical Training through more than 20 Training Centres located in various States across India. NTTF assists industries, through its special collaborative initiative for producing quality manpower, by establishing training centres in partnership with industry associations. NTTF is an ISO 9001 Certified institution. NTTF is governed by a Board consisting of leading industrialists. Presently stewardship of the Board is with Mr. Ramanujam, Chairman, Brakes India Ltd; supported by Mr. N. Venkataramani, Managing Director, India Pistons Ltd., Mr. Lakshmanan, Chairman & Managing Director, Senapathy Whiteley Pvt. Ltd., Mr. Sarosh J. Ghandy.

Ndt Training Non Destructive Testing
Details about NTTF (Nettur Technical Training Foundation)
Frequently Asked Questions about Ghost Dipping
Ghost Dipping currently works for NTTF (Nettur Technical Training Foundation).
Ghost Dipping's role at NTTF (Nettur Technical Training Foundation) is Mechanical Fitter.
Ghost Dipping's email address is *** To view Ghost Dipping's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ghost Dipping works in the Higher Education industry.
Ghost Dipping's colleagues at NTTF (Nettur Technical Training Foundation) are It6 Sangeetha, Ramchandra Kulkarni, Nabil Sayed, Manish Sharma, Sagar Rai, Sandeep Baloria, K. Rao and others.
Ghost Dipping's phone number is +91 80 6450 9966
See more information about Ghost Dipping