Fante Group was founded in 2008 by Roberto Testore, Paolo Fassio and Gregoire Notz. It's an independent advisory group integrating the transversal skills of its five specialized companies, which provide their customers with a wide range of financial and strategic advisory services. The group is specialized in Corporate Finance (Corporate finance, M&A, Debt Advisory, Restructuring Advisory) and Wealth Advisory (Family Business, Due Diligence, Transaction Services). By virtue of their wide managerial and industrial background, the Partners with the support of the Senior Advisors, have built a successful team of experts and highly-qualified advisors working across the board in every industrial and financial sectors. The lean organization, structured and highly objected-oriented constantly supervised by the Partners and Senior Advisors, allows the group to assist its mid-market customers by offering them the corporate finance and asset consultancy solutions that are most appropriate to their needs and their business objectives, with the aim of creating lasting relationship based on mutual trust and respect.