Nano Instruments Ltd. is an Israeli company which represents leading manufacturers. We specialized in importing, marketing and servicing of scientific instruments, R&D, failure analysis and production systems.Among our partners you may find: WITec GmbH, Oxford Instruments Asylum Research, Protochips Inc., Heidelberg Nano, Oxford Instruments NanoSciense, Cordouan Technologies SAS, Photo Thermal Spectroscopy Corp., Sensofar, NanoAndMore, Micro To Nano and more. We provide comprehensive technological solutions to manufacturing and research organizations in the fields of Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology, Materials, Chemistry, Physics and Polymers.We offer wide selection of technologies including Nano Characterization, Surface Characterization, Particles size Measurement and Characterization, Chemical and physical Material Analysis, Microscopes and spectroscopy systems and more. We sell the following products: Atomic Force Microscopes (AFM), Confocal Raman Microscopes, Scanning Near Field Optical Microscopes (SNOM), Sub-Micron IR spectrometers and Imaging systems, Gas/Liquid/Heating systems for In Situ TEMs imaging, Nanolithography systems, Optical Profilers, Cryostats, Particle Sizing systems, Zeta Potential analyzers systems, Fluid Refractometers, Acoustic Noise reduction cabins, Vibration isolation systems and more. In addition, we sell AFM Probes and calibration standards as well as Electron Microscope labs accessories. We are committed to providing you with quality products and services, and strive to be your partner.