With over 1000 patents and more than 1000 engineering years in the development of organic materials and manufacturing processes, FlexEnable is the worldwide leader in organic electronics. We have developed and industrialised a complete low-temperature manufacturing process for small and large-area organic electronics on ultra-thin plastic substrates. FlexEnable also owns the best-in-class, highest-performance organic materials - FlexiOM™ - making us the only company to offer both materials which are better than amorphous silicon and industrially-proven enabling manufacturing processes. FlexEnable is bringing organic electronics technology to market in a fabless business model. Our processes and solutions have been developed to be run on existing flat panel display lines, leveraging existing assets and supply chain. Applications for FlexEnable's technology include flexible displays for consumer electronics and automotive interiors, flexible sensors and optics. FlexEnable supplies FlexiOM™ materials and transfers and licenses its unique technology platform to display manufacturers. We also work directly with OEM and Tier 1 companies on developing next generation products, from design to prototyping and product qualification all the way to volume production.