Action for Sick Children has championed for more than 50 years on behalf of children and young people's healthcare, whether in hospital or at home and from national policies to individual family cases.The charity currently focuses on two main projects: The Dental Playbox® and the Magical Power of Play Appeal (MPOPA). The former is a unique scheme run by the charity in Stockport and Greater Manchester to educate children about the importance of good dental hygiene, and to empower them to make healthy choices. This is achieved via the incredibly powerful medium of play. The long-term goal of the project is to reduce the number of hospital admissions for dental extractions for children and young people in the UK.The project was established in 2007 as a direct response to concerns about the increasing issues surrounding children's oral health and has since gone from strength to strength.Each session teaches children the importance of brushing their teeth, and how to make healthier, low or sugar free food/drink choices. The sessions also aim to reduce children's fears of visiting the dentist by teaching them about the equipment a dentist may use, and what to expect from an appointment. All of this is achieved through play, age appropriate stories, and fancy dress.The Magical Power of Play Appeal provides a package of toys for children's wards across the UK. In 2015-2016 Action for Sick Children conducted a survey directed at Play Specialists to gain insight into the play resources available on children's wards. A large percentage of the responses highlighted a lack of resources, with many Play Specialists admitting to having bought toys and play equipment out of their own money for the ward. Play provides a welcome distraction during an otherwise dull and unsettling hospital stay. It helps to aid recovery, and drastically improve a child's understanding of their illness and treatment.