Founded in 1977 as the Women’s Health and Family Planning Association of Texas, Every Body Texas is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to ensuring that every person in Texas can access safe, unbiased, and high-quality sexual and reproductive healthcare regardless of identity, income, or circumstances. Every Body Texas is the statewide Title X grantee for Texas—distributing millions of dollars per year to more than 30 healthcare agencies who operate more than 150 clinics across the state. This funding is critical to ensuring clinics stay open and deliver much needed care to more than 200,000 people in Texas every year—such as helping them access birth control, decide if and when to have a family, get screened for certain cancers, and much more. From its headquarters in Austin, Every Body Texas delivers technical and consulting to clinics and forms statewide partnerships with healthcare providers and research institutions—all in pursuit of its mission to nurture an equitable and accessible culture of health. Without Every Body Texas or its community of healthcare champions, hundreds of thousands of people in Texas would not receive the care they need and deserve.