Gina Purdy

case manager at Physicians Care - Chattanooga, TN, US

Gina Purdy's Contact Details
Physicians Care
Gina Purdy's Company Details
Physicians Care logo, Physicians Care contact details

Physicians Care

Chattanooga, TN, US • 100 - 249 Employees

PCIS is dedicated to professionally and aggressively managing access to services and the cost of health care on behalf of our clients. Our customer service is built on providing outstanding support in administering claims, managing the bottom line cost of health care and serving as the employee's advocate in locating needed health care resources. The foundation of our cost containment effort is continuous oversight of the employee's health care services by our medical professionals. Accuracy, speed, competence and client responsiveness are essential in paying claims and we pride ourselves on accuracy that exceeds 98%, and a requirement that claims are processed within 14 days. PCIS recommends services that require pre-authorization, which allows us to make that the order of testing is done correctly, and that delivery of medical services is necessary and appropriate for the individual's medical condition. We make sure network facilities are being used by talking with physicians and patients, advising of the benefit of in network versus out-of-network. PCIS was founded over a decade ago by 1100 physicians in So. California, with the intent to dramatically improve the way health care benefits are administered and patient care is managed. Our corporate mission is to facilitate strong physician/patient relationships to enhance the employee's health care experience and support appropriate medical outcomes.

Finance Insurance Hospital/Clinic Offices and Clinics of Medical Doctors
Details about Physicians Care
Frequently Asked Questions about Gina Purdy
Gina Purdy currently works for Physicians Care.
Gina Purdy's role at Physicians Care is case manager.
Gina Purdy's email address is *** To view Gina Purdy's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Gina Purdy works in the Hospital & Health Care industry.
Gina Purdy's colleagues at Physicians Care are Raaisha Reynolds, Calvin Allen, Ashley Ellis, Rebecca Miller, Joseph Christensen, Joann Hernandez, Ashley Ellis and others.
Gina Purdy's phone number is ["+17149631514"]
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