Your Business. Your FUTURE. Having more time to focus on the good stuff -- client appointments, selling, marketing strategies and relationships -- and less time on the headaches of running your practice is the key to building your ultimate business and utilizing your greatest talents. The Meek Rainey Group, LLC can help get you there -- now is your time! Issues We Help Advisors Address • Working with less than ideal clients and prospects with insufficient assets • Putting out office fires that zap your energy • Too many ideas; not enough implementation or follow-through • An unmotivated and/or unresponsive team • The business and its struggles are dictating your life • An unhealthy and unhappy lifestyle • Too much effort with too few results • Non-revenue activities like email, voicemail and mail consuming selling time • Not enough time for your family and personal interests • Wasted time on random webinars and teleconferences promising the solution to your under-revenue producing business Imagine Your Potential & Revenue • Lasting relationships with qualified prospects and clients who love you • Working 40 weeks a year • Having an office that runs on auto-pilot and can handle your clients • Consistently improving the lives of your ideal clients • Being recognized in your community as the person and business to work with • Laughing and having fun with your team; knowing they're responsive and competent • Consistent revenue, like a real business, with trails, money under management, fees and commissions • A business and team that runs itself • Being fit mentally, physically and emotionally; a joy to be around in the office and at home • Thinking clearly, objectively and growing; taking control of your future