ChiroHealthUSA is a provider owned network, designed with doctors in mind. Our network model allows you to offer legal network based discounts to cash, under insured and "out of network" patients who are members.Members covered by Medicare and federal programs are eligible for discounts on non-covered services. The network approach to discounts reduces the risks of compliance and OIG violations related to inducements, improper down coding, dual fee schedules and potentially inappropriate time of service discounts.With ChiroHealthUSA you can choose the level of discounts. The existence of contract allows you to set, offer and accept these rates from our members. Our contract eliminates the "middle man," and solves a host of legal and regulatory problems for you and your patients. ChiroHealthUSA only makes membership available to individuals which means there is no potential for "silent PPOs" activity to lower your reimbursements.The ChiroHealthUSA membership covers your patient and legal dependents for a small annual fee of $49.00. And, if for any reason you decide the network isn't for you, there's a 30-day opt-out clause! Over 4,000 providers and more than 500,000 patients nationwide use ChiroHealthUSA.